SQES is a consultancy specialising in the development, management and enhancement of business management systems, Safety (OHSAS 18001), Quality (ISO 9001) and Environmental (ISO 14001) management systems, and business consultancy services. We also offer sector specific consultancy within the following sector schemes: Highways Sector Scheme 19A Network Rail Achilles Link up scheme CHAS Construction line UVDb Verify Scheme FPal Scheme Sia Approved Contractor Scheme and many more...SQES has a proven track record in the development and implementation of: bS EN ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Systems bS ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management Systems bS EN OHSAS 18001:2007 Safety Management Systems either as stand alone or as integrated management systems. All of our clients have achieved certification of their management systems by an UKAS accredited certification body. Link up Scheme: Help and assistance with achieving Network Rail Achilles Link Up Scheme approval and certification including production of and management of an effective management system. UVDb Verify compliant management systems and techniques in compliance with the Achilles managed Utilities supplier approval scheme. Production, assistance and management of Sia Approved Contractor Scheme compliant management systems. Outsourcing plans from 1 day a month to 1 day a week for all you safety, quality and environmental management needs. Our expertise has enabled us to help all kinds of companies, from those already well-established in the UK to international companies looking to enter their industry specific sector. SQES has conducted audits and consultancy in the UK, India, Ireland, France, Spain, Cyprus and Germany. We also provide a range of services to support our core business, including consulting on current legislation, providing bespoke auditing and safety services, internal auditor training and outsourcing of your quality, safety and environmental management needs.